- Radial Generator [BETA] (348pt)
Design radial menus in Figma with Radial Generator.Tweak and live preview the following radial properties:sizenumber of segmentssweep and rotationthicknessgap between segmentsRadial Generator is currently in an open BETA. Feedback is welcome and appreciated.Open SourceRadial Generator is open source and contributions are welcome.
- Table Builder (70pt)
Table Builder lets you paste tabular data and generates tables from a single component.For each entry in the spread sheet, Table Builder creates an instance of your original cell component, positions it in a grid and updates the cell's first child of type text with the data entry from the spreadsheet (Excel, Numbers, etc).UsageCreate a component that contains a text label (as a direct child)Select an instance of that componentIn the plugins menu, open Table BuilderCopy tabular data from the spre...
- Color Contrast Generator (49pt)
Create a beautiful color token with contrast according to WCAG.
- Avatarg (43pt)
Avatarg generates beautiful type of avatars for your app design prototype.How to use plugin:1. 👤 Select one shape or multiple shapes.2. 🎨 Style your avatar.3. ✨ Generate.---Submit your ideas 😃 and suggestions:✍️ https://avatarg.nolt.ioHappy designing 👨🏻🎨.
- Palette Importer (32pt)
Palette Importer creates Figma Color Styles from various color file formats.Compatible with .ase, .sketchpalette, .css, and .json filesFigma Color Styles are automatically created from files loaded into Palette ImporterAn additional ‘Paste Swatches’ feature pastes color swatch shapes onto the Figma pageAny existing color names and groups contained in the file are retainedIndividual colors and/or color groups can be toggled on or off to give control over which are included in the importInstru...
- Spacer Toggle (30pt)
Quickly toggle the visibility of spacer component instances using opacity instead of show/hide.This is specifically built for designers using spacer components to replace padding in autolayout frames. Where show/hide removes the spacers entirely, opacity retains the layout, letting designers and developers show and hide spacer colors/labels as needed.This plugin will only affect instances of component sets with "~spacer" included in the name. You must also create a variant property named "Visibl...
- Unikat (28pt)
Create your very own generative art with the design tool you already love.Test, tweak and ship generative art without coding skillsPerfect to create NFT collections100% free — now and foreverPowerful rarity feature — just stick to Unikat’s layer name conventionStraight-forward and simple UIStep-by-step help built-in
- scrollbars (25pt)
Easily and add accurate horizontal and vertical scrollbars to frames. Works regardless of Auto-Layout settings and calculates all sizing automatically :^)In the future, if requested, I would consider adding a control panel for editing generated scrollbar styling and initial offsets.Enjoy!
- Auto Tint Text Creator (24pt)
This plugin generates a dark/light theme from your text.
- Figma Short Link (19pt)
An easy-to-use Figma link shortener & beautifier.
- AppsPoint (17pt)
AppsPoint is a tool that allows you to create beautiful code for your applications without special skills.This plugin is used to upload data from Figma to the AppsPoint system.Read more: https://apps-point.herokuapp.com/
- Figma Spec Generator (16pt)
This plugin helps to generate the correct component description to all components for developers:Creating Component Name for Developers (covert to camelCase Style),Creating special title for Storybook to make correct structure without any doubts;Saving information about all components to the clipboard in markdown format for faster creation of comments/issues in ⚡️ Linear;How to use:Run this Plugin;Check your Category Name: Here we can enter custom value or use default value (Figma File Name)...
- Frame Tool (14pt)
Wrap a new frame around layers quickly.批量选中图层后,快速添加画板。支持适应内容、固定大小、添加间距、自动布局等功能。
- Random Size & Position (14pt)
After batch selection of layers, quickly randomize the size and position.批量选中图层后,快速随机设置大小和位置。
- xdocoi (12pt)
figma gitlab auto
- Nav To (11pt)
Quickly navigate to frame or component
- Color of The Day (11pt)
Choose a date and get Color of The Day based on someone's choice of the year's color. You can only see this and past years, not future. And only one color per every year chosen by me if there was two of them chosen by someone.I've used some silly math for interpolation, but let's call it color magic.
- Font Mixer (10pt)
日本語とそれ以外のテキストに別々のフォントを出し分けるプラグインです。このプラグインはフォントを変更したいテキストを選択して、日本語とそれ以外の文字に対してフォントを設定。最後に、ボタンをクリックすると文字ごとにフォントが設定されます。なぜ必要なの?MacOSのCSSで次のような指定をした場合、日本語には「Hiragino Sans」、英語には「Helvetica Neue」が...
- Generate backlog dev factory (8pt)
On génère automatiquement un fichier excel qui contient le backlog. Sur le Backlog : Tu aura donc les users storiesUne colonne impact businessUne colonne effort techniqueUne colonne nb de jours de dev. via DevFactoryUne colonne « est ce que cette fonctionnalité existe déjà ailleurs » / souvent les porteurs de projets identifient des fonctionnalités chez des concurrents qu’ils aimeraient intégrer (on indiquera oui/Non/ ne sais pas avec le lien quand c’est oui)Une colonne « priorité...
- Gray Image (5pt)
Gray the selected image.选中图片并灰度化。