Figma Design Plugin New Commer Weekly Ranking

  1. 3dicons (1,418pt)

    Use 1400+ 3dicons within Figma or Figjam files quickly. The icons can be searched and filtered by color and angle.I'd love to know what you made using 3dicons. Feel free to tag me or say hi on Twitter (@realvjy). You are also welcome to share your feedback or bug reports 🙏----SupportThe goal of this project is to contribute to the open design community. Even though I do not intend to charge for these community resources, if 3dicons has ever been useful to you or your team, I would appreciate ...

    • Vector Background Generator (152pt)

      The plugin allows you to generate abstract vector backgrounds.

      • Bionic Reading (131pt)

        Select a text layer & convert it to Bionic Reading - Whats that? Bionic Reading is a new method facilitating the reading process by guiding the eyes through text with artificial fixation points. As a result, the reader is only focusing on the highlighted initial letters and lets the brain center complete the word. Check out

        • Guide Manager (51pt)

          This plugin provides calculations inside the input field and set guides on the selected frame. Help to make guides based at golden ratio and the 8px grid. if you find any problem related to the purpose of this plugin or want ask for a new feature, you can open an issue on

          • Figma Section - Frame Manager (44pt)

            Free Frame management plugin, quickly group frames and manage them efficiently.免费的 Frame 管理插件,可以快速地对 Frame 进行分组,高效管理。## How to use / 使用方式After selecting multiple Frames, run the plugin, and then create a Section. You can also quickly mark Sections with different colors.⌘⇧G to ungroup sections.选中多个 Frame 后,运行插件,然后创建 Section。还可以为 Section 快速标记不同的颜色。⌘⇧G 取消分组。

            • Mediamodifier (32pt)

              Integrate your Mediamodifier design templates into design concepts/work and also access your team & brand assets straight from one place in Figma.

              • Perceived Brightness (21pt)

                Quickly check a layer's perceived brightness (HSP).Select a layer with a solid fill and run the plugin to get the perceived brightness value.brightness = √( .299 r2 + .587 g2 + .114 b2 )

                • Reset Background (21pt)

                  A tiny plugin to change all pages' backgrounds based on the current theme.

                  • Grid Copy (18pt)

                    Select a layer, quickly duplicate it and arrange it in a grid layout.选中一个图层,快速复制并按照网格布局排列。